Wednesday, September 28, 2011

3 months.

Ta da! Ben has now graduated from newborn status to infant. That wasn't too hard. HA. I'm a real jokester...

It's been quite the whirlwind summer - one which I wasn't prepared for at all - and now it's already over. It's amazing how influential our environment is on our perception of life and how naturally pleasant we can be. For instance, if it's hot and humid for weeks in a row (curse you, July!), resulting in poor sleep with a baby that hates being hot but wants to touch me 24/7, it becomes a lot for me to be nice or useful around the house. Trying to not throw screaming babies or overly rambunctious kittens out the window was priority #1. Don't worry, every mom has thought about doing that or pulling her own hair out, so I try to not get too hard on myself. I have had to rely solely on God's grace to make it through alive. Nothing could have prepared me, not even my ghost from parental future, for the first 3 months with Benjamin. But we have made great strides and I'm certainly glad I don't have to relive any of my yesterdays. We have gone from him not even laying down on my lap without screaming to him sleeping on the couch next to me and even in his crib several times! Praise God! And only in the last few days did he miraculously decide to chill out a bit. 5 bucks says I just jinxed myself.

I never thought I would have such a high needs kid. I kind of figured since I was really laid back, that my son would follow my lead and just sleep or hang out all day. Not him needing to be constantly in motion, in someone's arms, or with a boob in or near his face. I prayed and prayed he would take a pacifier. He didn't. I prayed he would enjoy riding in the car. He gets motion sick and lonely. I still pray he will stay a sleep just a little bit longer. But there are some things he really loves. He loves bath time and splashing the cat. Being naked is probably the most amazing part of his day. He also recently discovered his "little benjamin" as I call it, so naked time is now even more entertaining for me. Ask me to show you the video, it's hilarious. Sorry, Ben.

Bath time: a family affair.
Ben doing his Fonzie face.

Zig trying to console Ben after a rough trip in the car.
Now that he has definitely found his hands, he's starting to get the hang of grabbing and holding on to stuff. It's mostly stuff like my hair or shirt and some toys, though I had him hold a paper plate while I carried him in the baby bjorn making myself breakfast. He used to be somewhat against being in any baby carrier unless he was in the perfect mood or really tired. But now that he's gotten a little bigger, he can face outward and look at the world from 5 feet up. He's also developed a relationship with our kitten that's beyond adorable. Zig is madly in love with Ben and is very concerned about being present for most of his daily activities. This includes bath time, nap time, food time, and even diaper time. Many a nap have been cut short because the cat wants to snuggle and lick Ben's hair into a mohawk. I now know the sound of Ben's "get this cat offa me!" cry on the baby monitor. It's distinct, and very similar to how you might sound if you woke up to a scratchy, fish-smelling tongue licking your eyelids open. This next picture happened while typing this post, proving my point. Thanks guys.
"Oh brother."
I am making a list of things I am thankful for when I experience them like I used to. Like sitting at a red light with the music up loud, no crying infant to soothe, and nowhere to go. Or sitting and watching TV for an hour. Or even having two hands to eat dinner and drink a glass of wine. Bliss! I am so in love with Benjamin, don't get me wrong. He is the one who taught me to appreciate these things, and so much more. He's also getting more snuggly and interactive, which is always enjoyable. And now that he's gotten quite emotionally attached to me, I have the magic touch when he's flipping out for no reason. I've never had that with babies, and for a while when he was colicky, I didn't even have it with my own son. But now I do! I have finally gotten the mommy powers I dreamed of. I sometimes sit and daydream of the day when he's big enough to start vocalizing his affection for me and even running, arms-opened wide, into a big hug. I am so excited to see him grow up before my eyes, even if it happens so quickly, like everybody with children say. I don't think I'll miss the first 3 months, but if I do, I'll just have another baby. Only this time, I really mean it when I say I'll wait a few years before kids.

Dimples and chins!
Playing with his favorite toy, Mr. Jangles. 
13 week old man.