When I see their happy faces smilin' back at me...
I know there's no greater feelin' than the love of family.
There, now that you've got that song stuck in your head, I'll update you on the happenings in Benjamin's little life. I can't believe he's already 7 months old!! A lot has happened in this past month. Ben has gained almost 3 pounds (wowza!) and can now sit up by himself for quite some time. He still doesn't have any interest in crawling but he loves to stand (with assistance) and jump in his doorway jumper for hours. This kid's legs are rock solid. He's filled out so much in such a short time that it has gotten to the point where we can see a difference in his appearance almost every day. Thankfully, we have a great bunch of thrift stores so I can grab an entire wardrobe for less than $20. Score!
First time in the built-in kid seat! |
BAM. Cheeks. |
Another great discovery is the beginning eruption of baby tooth #1! Compared to his early days, the minor teething fussiness seemed like nothing to me. I didn't even think he was teething until he grabbed my hand, shoved my finger in his mouth and poked me with this sharp thing coming out of his gums! His entire day, as noticed by his daddy, is comprised of shoving every thing within arm's reach into his mouth and making it disgusting. It's true. His favorite things to chew on are granola bar wrappers (or anything plastic for that matter), cell phones, paper, remote controls, and car keys. Not so much baby teething toys, go figure. But he also enjoys eating solid foods like bananas and avocado. I spend half of the time fishing it from weird places on his body but he has a great time making a mess!

I am so excited to see Ben's personality really coming out! He is such a sweet boy and also quite a ham. He gets really silly before going to sleep and especially after his night time bath. All we have to do is throw him around a little and tickle the armpits, and we've got the happiest baby on the block. He still likes his best bud, Ziggy the cat, and he loves finding new parts of my face to explore with his [puke covered] hands. He can say a lot of consonants like "ba," "na," "da," and blows raspberries like a champion. My little guy is turning into an actual little guy!
Babies' first snow! |
Here are a couple of cute videos that really capture the essence that is Ben in a nutshell. I'm betting he's going to skip crawling altogether and will be running sooner than I'd like. Once he realizes that I'm terrible at anything athletic, Aaron is stepping in as the favorite parent. I'm okay with that. That's what dads are for, right?
Ben's "silly dance"
Babies in boxes.
Jumping BEaN.