Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Whoooaaa, we're half way there!

LIVING ON A PRAAAYER!! Ahem. Sorry, I never thought that song would be so true to life, but it is! Benjamin is 6 freaking months old! I can scarce believe it. This journey has been so crazy and ridiculous, but in many ways, good and bad. I am so excited to finally see what God has done to our family and what He's brought us through. I mean, hey, there were days when I "cried it out" for 15 minutes because I was so tired that my body forgot how to fall asleep. Ben screamed for most of his (not eating) waking moments during the first 3-4 months, before he had his chiropractic adjustments. But even in the trying times, there were also bath time splashes, first smiles (and even giggles!), squishy bottom dimples, sneezing fits, and sleepy time cuddles....the things that made each day so much better than the last.

Angel face Christmas card photo shoot

6 months is a fantastic age. I kind of wish I could freeze him at this spot, when anything that lights up or makes noise (preferably both) deters any major meltdowns, and before he learns to talk back. He's also getting pretty hefty and I'm not sure how much longer I can pick him up and put him down. I swear, in one week, I was dressing him in 3-6 month clothing and then the next day they didn't fit. So I went up to 6 months and he outgrew those in a day! He's now in the very few outfits that are 6-9 months to 12 months and I'm keeping him in disposables so that his giant cloth diaper butt doesn't get in the way. Plus, he's quickly outgrowing those diapers, too, so I have to use them before they don't fit! What the heck, baby? Did we feed you 4 bowls of food on top of all your meals every day?? Oh, wait. We did. But you were asking for it so obviously it was necessary.

We went to the doctor's for his 6 month checkup and he's doing great! He grew 2 inches in the last 2 months, which explains the lack of clothes that fit him now. He can sit up unsupported for as long as he's not distracted. That, however, is not very long as he's discovering more and more things around him that are fun to look at. He loves grabbing at stuff and I caught him picking up his pacifier with his feet, transferring it to his hands, and then shoving it into his mouth. What a sneaky baby! I am so crazy about this kid. Sure, he has his moments, but most of the time I'm bummed that he has to go down for a nap all the time. If he could just stay awake and not be crabby, I would be perfectly fine with that. As long as he gets his beauty rest, he is the most laid back kid. He hangs out and listens to music, watches YouTube videos of other babies laughing, plays with toys, eats, pukes, gets tired and snuggles with mommy, and then takes a nap. That kid's got the life! Now that he's more socially acceptable and it's the holiday season, he's been getting some quality time with his cousins, Will and Sam. This year, we had a 3 year-old, 1 year-old, and 6 month-old at Christmas and it was too cute for words! They had a photo shoot and we got some hilarious pictures from that as well as a few videos of all us old people screeching in the background at their cuteness. Here are a few of those gems:
L-R: Ben, Sam, & Will

Cousin Love

Blue Steel.
We had a wonderful Christmas, filled with lots of food, laughter, spit up, and crying, but overall a great time. I'm glad it's over and can finally get some much needed rest. The house survived all the people we stuffed in here and the smell of cookies is still lingering in the air. I have been waiting for this day since Ben was just a few weeks old, when he was completely miserable and I needed some kind of light at the end of the tunnel. The days were long but the weeks flew by! Before I know it, he's going to be crawling, walking, and then running....after girls probably. Until then, I am going to enjoy every moment that I'm the only woman in his life.

1 comment:

  1. So Sweet, I hope you always remember these days! ~~Love, Cal's Mom
