Tuesday, January 18, 2011

We have a wiener...uh winner!

I have been blogging in my mind for a few weeks and have yet to actually sit down and write them out. One of these days, I will be up to date. Until then, here is the most recent and exciting life news!

Yesterday, my awesome hubs and I went for our first ultrasound since our first one long ago at 8 weeks. At 19 weeks and change, the hope was to be able to find out the gender of our little blob-o-genes. I have to admit, I was shocked when I first saw their little head show up on the TV screen. The last thing I saw during an ultrasound was almost nothing: just a little grape-shaped circle in my weird looking uterus.

This was the most amazing thing I have ever seen! It was the first tangible sign that we were in it for the long haul and were going to become parents. I have to say, I am extremely lucky. I had almost no morning sickness, no heartburn (except after some home made spicy italian sausage, yikes!), no baby bump, no weird cravings, and very minimal mood swings (mostly brought on by sheer exhaustion). I even thought at one point that maybe I was imagining the whole thing (I do have quite the active imagination). Aside from a few weekends of self-induced comas to recover from my ridiculous life/work schedule, I was feeling very normal and not-pregnant.

So when I saw that body and squirmy arms and legs, my heart leapt. That's our kid! After waiting anxiously while the doctor measured all those tiny, wiggly body parts, we got to see the money shot. There was a brief period of silence and then she said, it's a boy! I had a moment very similar to when I realized the pregnancy test in my hand was actually positive and not just a figment of my hormonal imagination. A boy! Wow. We had been preparing ourselves for a girl- as I had been thoroughly convinced we were having one. The news that he indeed was a bona-fide little man was just as shocking as finding out that we were going to have a kid in the first place! I looked over at Aaron, seeing the shock and joy in his face and said, Dude, that's a little dude! (I'm extremely eloquent, as you can tell. Mom would be proud). I'm not sure who was more precious at that moment, daddy or baby. Aaron leaned over and kissed me, though it was mostly just smiles mashed against smiles. He got his little boy. We would have been happy no matter who was growing inside of me, but deep down, both of us wanted a little man to be the head of the pack. God knows the desires of our hearts and he is faithful and good.

The rest of the ultrasound went well. I already know this little dude is going to be a handful. He was being a naughty punk and making the doctor's job more difficult by hiding his hands and moving non-stop. He probably gets it from his father's side :) I felt him for the first time, too. It must have been from the ultrasound wand (is that what they're called?) being smushed into me. What a great feeling! I love this kid so much already and he's just a little pibsqueak. After the appointment, we made the calls to family and then decided to celebrate by going to Dogtown for wieners! We ended up getting our usual veggie burgers but it was the thought that counts and we agreed it was the most appropriate place for that moment. The food was delicious and well received (I was starving again by that point), as we rewatched the DVD of the ultrasound at home with our roommates. Even the kitty was interested, which is good because I'm not really sure what she's going to do with a little brother.

Here are some pictures from the ultrasound. I could worry about embarrassing him before he's even born, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to be doing a lot of that once he's aware of what embarrassment is.

 Definitely a boy

Baby feet are the cutest! I can't wait to play with them!


  1. I'm so excited for you, Anna! Keep blogging - I'm not quite ready for kids myself yet, but it is interesting hearing step-by-step accounts of other peoples' pregnancies.

  2. Isn't it the most amazing thing seeing the ultrasound? I am so happy for you guys!
