Thursday, July 28, 2011

1 month.

Holy crickets, where did July go?? That has been on my mind every day this week so far. I cannot believe how quickly the time passes...or rather how nonexistent my sense of time is. Every day has been an adventure, whether I leave my house or not.

Benjamin is an amazing little man already. He's grown an inch, put on about 2 pounds by now, and all his cute hair is still on his head (yay!). The last couple weeks were challenging - I believe he was experiencing mild colic. When I say colic (since there are many definitions of the word) I mean the version where he's in a lot of pain due to digestive immaturity. The poor boy had so much gas built up, I'm not at all surprised he was in a bad mood most of the time. We found that the only thing that made him feel better was to nurse, but that was a downward spiral since it was his and my food intake that was causing so much upset. It also left me being pretty much useless in every other aspect of life, and quite the baby hog whenever people came to see him, since he only gave me about 5 minutes to rest before nursing again. I got a lot of good advice, though, and after some research and reassurance, I started taking fennel and acidophilus, and cut chocolate from my diet. I learned that what I took in, so did Ben, and his body was not ready for mom's regular diet. It wasn't a huge sacrifice...I noticed I had an above average craving for chocolate (which I rarely eat normally) after giving birth and I was satisfying that through energy bars. These also had soy in them, which I read was another food item that can upset a little baby's digestive parts. Soy is also not good for you (or at least me) in large quantities because like most things in American food, it has been over processed and can actually mimic estrogen hormones in your body. I have had pretty major mood swings in the past during that time of the month because I was eating so much soy. Let's just say that was bad news bears for Aaron.

Overall, my days consist of diaper changes, burping, eating, and attempting to go out into public without making a scene. Today we successfully managed all of those things! I've even gotten good at doing all of that in the backseat of my car without being noticed. I could have cried for joy when I got back into my car after a positive trip to Target with a sleeping baby still wrapped close to me. The last time I tried that, he screamed for most of it and I left all my items inside the store until the cashier chased after me with them to my car. I never noticed how quiet Target was until I was that lady with her screaming baby. Oh boy. That's what I get for secretly being annoyed at people who brought their irritable children out shopping. Luckily, only old folks and other ladies with babies shop at Target before noon on a Tuesday, so I had some empathy there.

Parenthood has been awesome so far. This kid loves to snuggle with his mommy...I mean, how can I complain about that?? I will do my best to treasure these moments but I am also eagerly awaiting some of his next few milestones (especially smiling and laughing!). Until then, I will savor his weird expressions and his little cough-cry he makes when he wants a boob to the face.

 Ben, amused by daddy.

 A quick smiling moment for mommy!

Probably one of my favorites. What a goof!

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