Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Ocho

I'll admit it. I'm a terrible blogging-mom. I don't mean to say I think my posts are terrible (I hope not!), but I am definitely not good at being consistent with them. Ben has been 8 months for a week already and I am just starting to write his post on the last month. "Shameless, I tell you"(If you know my mom, I hope you can hear her saying that...she says it to me a lot!).

Back to the Ben. He is probably the cutest thing alive. He passed our crazycat on the cuteness scale a while ago but now it's really going full force. He's sporting 2 new bottom teeth and an appetite for any kind of food he can shove in his mouth. In the last month he learned what a sippy cup was, can drink from it himself, finally mastered rolling over like a champion, and now thinks that mommy is actually pretty hilarious. So that's teeth, rolls, and laughing...and I'm the happiest mom ever! We have our little routines in the day so that Ben can get some alone time and I can actually get work done. He loves just sitting and eating his "peach puffs" while I clean or do some work on my home business. After he figured out the art of rolling over, he discovered that he's not afraid of being on his tummy. Since then, wrestling has been introduced to our bonding time and he's really good at beating me up.

Ben has become quite independent, and really enjoys playing with his toys and kitty (who has a hard time leaving either of us alone). Ben's most recent toy is a baby-sized grand piano, from his Gamma, and he loves to bang the heck out of it. I still have 5 bucks on this kid becoming a drummer because he actually prefers smacking the top of the piano to the keys themselves. Zig also really enjoys Ben's his new piano, and regularly checks up on it to make sure the keys are still in good working order.

I'm getting really anxious about Ben crawling soon. It's gonna happen before I know it and then I am not going to know what hit me!! I still don't think our house is safe for our ridiculously hyper and destructive am I going to make it baby-proof, too!? I've been holding out on investing in baby things that we don't need immediately, and things like gates and those power outlet plugs are on that list. Maybe I'll just get a whole bunch of bubble wrap and duct tape, just for good measure. I can already see the cats having a field day with that one...

I can barely believe it's been 8 months since my life completely did one of those Shaun White halfpipe 1280's....and now I feel like I'm finally past the "new mom stage." Gone are the days where I go running at the slightest peep out of Ben's mouth, or worry about him not having a good nap or someone taking care of him differently than I do. He's tough and little boys are made out of rubber, so I'm not worried anymore. It was actually one of my new year's resolutions and I crossed it off my list pretty quickly into 2012! I realized that he's going to be spending most of his life getting injured and doing things that will freak/gross me out, and that I might as well get over it now and move on with my life. Since I came to that realization, motherhood has felt like a breeze (in comparison).

I love my little man so much. He's starting to show the love back with cuddles and snuggles and "love taps" on my face. Seeing his face light up when he sees me, daddy, or his live-in girlfriend, Aunt Awesome, makes my day! I couldn't be more blessed. Thanks for being awesome, Baby.

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